What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
Grafana Cloud
What are you trying to achieve?
I would like each user to have their own personal dashboard, with permission to edit it however they wish. But they should not have permission to edit dashboards belonging to other users.
Is this possible? One option is to do it manually — I can create a bunch of dashboards and customize the permissions on each one. But that’s too much work, as I have a large number of users. And I want new users who come in by SSO in the future to have this working automatically.
Wonder if this could be done by folder permissions?
I would go with a on prem grafana (dev stage.qa) to cloud deploy route with folder permissions. It deploys to their respective folder in the cloud through some automation
I’m using Grafana Cloud but I’m not sure why that would matter… Are you suggesting the on-prem installation has more features in this regard?
I would be happy with folder-level permissions too, but I would have the same question then, how to automatically create a folder for each user.
What I am suggesting is that you also have an on prem grafana that would be used as the staging grafana where users will do their thing.
then through automation it would deploy the dashboards and the folders to your cloud instance.
not sure if grafana has create folder per user feature/
If you don’t have too much users, you can use a dashboard folder for each user and give only this user permission to edit the dashboards in his folder.
Another possibility is to use provisioned dashboards which are copied to grafana by a CI/CD pipeline and you collect the dashboards from folders/git-projects … with permissions set for the users as you want them.