Not able to disable Footer and Logo in Grafana Docker


I just deploy and Grafana Docker the latest version as of today.
I am trying to change my .ini file from >> “GF_PATHS_CONFIG=/etc/grafana/grafana.ini”
this location.
I am able to modify the file. able to see the change in grafana settings.
But the change is not making any effect.

I have disabled footer logo, text and header logo as below:

But still when I restart the docker - the file is as per what I changed but the footer logo, text and header logo is still there on the dashboard.
So no impact of the changes I am making.

I also tried changing: usr/share/grafana/conf/defailts.ini
still no result.

Any help will save lot of my time.


Whitelabeling is enterprise feature (= paid), so you need valid license. If you don’t have valid license, then your Grafana (yes, also Grafana Enteprise version) is more/less Grafana OSS only (= no enteprise features are enabled).

Note: Available in Grafana Enterprise and Grafana Cloud.