No data for Grafana Alloy cloud fresh install

  • What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?

Grafana Alloy cloud

  • What are you trying to achieve?

Show the default Grafana OS dashboard.

  • How are you trying to achieve it?

Following the online instructions.

  • What happened?

No data

  • What did you expect to happen?

Grafana OS dashboards work as expected.

  • Can you copy/paste the configuration(s) that you are having problems with?

I take everything provided me as-is, without tweaking anything.

  • Did you receive any errors in the Grafana UI or in related logs? If so, please tell us exactly what they were.


  • Did you follow any online instructions? If so, what is the URL?


Found a similar issue at

and this one as well

So I restarted my alloy service a few times, but I’m still getting “No data”:

However my Grafana Alloy integration works fine:

Can you come up with some steps to reproduce this? I haven’t personally run into this.

All that I did was to follow the online instructions,

and take everything provided me as-is, without tweaking anything.

You must have done something differently @tonyswumac, even just following your subconscious without thinking, while for me, this grafana alloy is totally new, and I have to follow everything as-is, word for word, without doing anything extra.

Moreover, I’m not the only (or the first) person having such problem, so you must have done something differently than us who were following the online instructions. FTR, I’ve been using grafana for over six years, and none of its previous clients have given me problems before, except this new grafana alloy.

Furthermore, giving the fact that Grafana Alloy integration works fine for me, I think us following the online instructions were mostly successful. By this time you should not have data as us as well, you must have done something differently or extra without you even realizing it.


Do I need to open any ports, for e.g.?

  1. Can you share your alloy configuration, please? Without your API key of course.
  2. Do you see any error log in alloy?


I finally found where the problem is – it is in fact the alloy configuration.

the online instructions say we need to edit the alloy configuration, and I found the alloy configuration has already been provided with a default, quickly peeking for a second I though the two are the same, i.e., the the alloy configuration has already been provided and the online instructions is just reiterating it. Thus I moved on.

On checking the alloy configuration again I noticed the missing piece, and my grafana is now working fine.


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