Alloy not sending data until the service is restarted

I have configured alloy in amazon linux2 with loki and grafana running on the same server. The alloy is configured to capture the log files and fwd it to loki and grafana would query the loki to show the log files in a dashboard. The alloy service and other services are running fine, the only issue is that any new log file is not showing up in grafana. After many tries, I observed that only after I restart the alloy service the new file is showing up in grafana explore feature.
I see no issue with cpu/ram/disk and all services, including alloy is fine. I also checked the webui of alloy and it shows the new file in ‘targets’ for ‘local.file_match’ as healthy.
I am not sure what is happenning, but the only solution is to restart the alloy service and I know this isn’t the right approach.
Any suggestion are apprecaited.

Are you using the local.file_match component?

It allows to discover new files based on a glob and checks for new files periodically. Please share your config if using this component doesn’t help :slight_smile: