Need help in parser to extract content from data emitted by API

output of my API call is a list of strings and not in json format (table with 1 column named the same as the query and multiple rows with strings as shown in the image). I want to use some parser to extract data from each of the rows.

For instance, if the value in one of the rows is “seas-peoplesearch-searcher/seas-peoplesearch-searcher.i014.davinci-client.PeopleSearchNotificationVolume–bad_request.Count.rrd”, I want to extract seas-peoplesearch-searcher and PeopleSearchNotificationVolume from it. I tried using UQL queries with parse-json and extend, but always ends up in “error applying uql query”, I couldn’t figure out what is the variable name to apply the regex on and how to actually extract it. I can see there are multiple options in parser, but unable to make it work. Please help.

I tried following this UQL Parser | Grafana Plugins documentation , but these are all for json formatted data, but mine is just a string.

welcome @manojkumar89

what standard is this api emitting? why is it in this format and not json, just curious