How to extract the array data from json using uql query

So at present I have json data as displayed below

“inv”: 10,
“geo”: [{“key”: “usa”, “value”: 10}, {“key”: “canada”, “value”: 0}],
“inv”: 3,
“geo”: [{“key”: “usa”, “value”: 3}, {“key”: “canada”, “value”: 0}],

Now I want to show values in table with columns as “inv”, “usa”, “canada”

How can I achieve this?

Hi, I guess you’re using Infinity Plugin for that?

Unfortunately, I’m not sure how to do it in plain UQL.

You could use UQL parser with jsonata query like this:

| jsonata "$map($,function($v) {{'inv': $v.inv,'usa': $v.geo[key = 'usa'].value,'canada': $v.geo[key = 'canada'].value }})"

Or you could choose to use Backend parser, you could use jsonata code out of the box:

  function($v) {
      "inv": $v.inv,
      "usa": $v.geo[key = "usa"].value,
      "canada": $v.geo[key = "canada"].value

(I find jsonata easier and ChatGPT can do jsonata :smile:).

Here’s a screen with jsonata configuration

Hope that helps anyway!


how does this look?

    'inv': %.inv,
    key : value

You can also use the following UQL

| mv-expand "geo_item"="geo"
| project "inv", "key"="geo_item.key", "value"="geo_item.value"

Learn more about this UQL commands at UQL Parser | Grafana Plugins documentation

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This one won’t work as inv, canada, usa belongs to only one item property.

“usa”: 10,
“usa”: 3,

is what I am looking for

But this will create two records with same inv and each having different country

“usa”: 10,
“usa”: 3,

I need a structure like this

I am getting this error while trying to replicate your solution. Any help?

Okay you had an syntax error, the end braces should be ‘)’ not ‘}’. Then it works

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