Multiple images in grafana dashboard

I’m trying to display multiple images using a template variable, but the images are not showing up. The paths are correct, and there are no errors in the console. I have installed the image renderer plugin, but it still isn’t working. I’m using a variable named test to filter the images. Here is the code I’m using:

    <img id="addisAbeba" alt="image">

$(function () {
    const variable = '${test}';
    let img_name = variable.substring(variable.indexOf('_') + 1, 100);
    // Replace spaces in img_name with underscores
    img_name = img_name.replace(/\s+/g, '_');
    let img = "/public/img/Sensor_Plot/16mm/" + encodeURIComponent(img_name) + ".png";
    document.getElementById("addisAbeba").src = img;
    console.log("Image name is:", img_name);
    console.log("Image path is:", img);

I’ve double-checked the code and the paths, and everything seems correct. However, the images still aren’t displaying.

Here’s an example image for reference:

this has been answered for you many times in slack

the issue is not with grafana, it is with your image naming convention