Loki via ECS not found root path

Hey people,

I hope you are doing well.

So, I have a task to deploy loki and tempo here in my job, when I applied in another environment I had success, but right now no, because when I add loki to data source in grafana I had this:

when I saw grafana logs, I got this:

logger=context userId=7 orgId=1 uname=xxxx t=2023-05-30T16:18:39.612992069Z level=info msg="Request Completed" method=PUT path=/api/datasources/uid/asbTJyw4k status=200 remote_addr= time_ms=124 duration=124.582431ms size=390 referer=https://xxxx.domain.com/datasources/edit/asbTJyw4k handler=/api/datasources/uid/:uid logger=context userId=7 orgId=1 uname=xxxx t=2023-05-30T16:18:39.806188845Z level=info msg="Request Completed" method=GET path=/api/frontend/settings status=200 remote_addr= time_ms=70 duration=70.35191ms size=4845 referer=https://xxxx.domain.com/datasources/edit/asbTJyw4k handler=/api/frontend/settings/ logger=context userId=7 orgId=1 uname=xxxx t=2023-05-30T16:18:39.953098425Z level=info msg="Request Completed" method=GET path=/api/datasources/uid/asbTJyw4k status=200 remote_addr= time_ms=31 duration=31.051172ms size=692 referer=https://xxxx.domain.com/datasources/edit/asbTJyw4k handler=/api/datasources/uid/:uid logger=context userId=7 orgId=1 uname=xxxx t=2023-05-30T16:18:40.204076962Z level=error msg="Failed to call resource" error="404 page not found\n" traceID= logger=context userId=7 orgId=1 uname=xxxx t=2023-05-30T16:18:40.204609908Z level=error msg="Request Completed" method=GET path=/api/datasources/uid/asbTJyw4k/resources/labels status=500 remote_addr= time_ms=108 duration=108.544374ms size=95 referer=https://xxxx.domain.com/datasources/edit/asbTJyw4k handler=/api/datasources/uid/:uid/resources/*

OK, I understood that loki doesn’t have root path, but what URL I must put in grafana? Why grafana can’t access /ready?

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