We have a problem with the links (HTML links in text panel) after upgrade from 7.x to 8.4.2.
grafana places / symbol before :5000 and link is broken
Grafana is exapmle.com:443. On port 5000 of the same host we have Flask.
If we change FQDN to ip - it works.
If we change grafana host FQDN to any other FQDN - it works too.
Please assist.
Can you please try to include more detailed instructions? What is the most minimal way I can test this?
I created test dashboard. It has only two panels. Both are text type.
IP panel content:
Both links are pointing to our Flask app on the same server as Grafana.
When I press IP link on a dashboard It works. But when I press FQDN link is broken:
(placed underscore in http to prevent link visualisation)
Symbol ‘/’ occurs between FQDN and port.
We upgraded Grafana to 8.4.5 - problem persist.
Please assist, thank you.
Did you ever get this resolved?