How to send traces directly to Tempo Cloud?

Hey there,

I’m using Grafana Cloud and I need to push traces from a node.js application to Tempo. Looking to our stack, we can’t use a collector (as Grafana Agent or Otel Collector) right now, so the question is, how can I push some information do Tempo Cloud?

I was not able to find anything about it on docs.


Use NodeJS Otel lib in your code - use otlp exporter with proper configuration/auth and export traces directly to Grafana Cloud.

I’ve tried this, with @opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-http and @opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-grpc, but I didn’t found any documentation about with URL I should use, with protocol and other stuff.

Do you have any example to show?

In your Grafana Cloud Portal, in your stack you should see a ‘Send Traces’ button inside a box with the Tempo logo. There you will find your credentials and some basic config to start sending traces to Grafana Cloud Traces.

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