I’m trying to install the clock plugin on a non internet-connected system. I’ve got the zip file in /var/tmp;
how do I install it? I tried unzipping it into /var/lib/grafana/plugins, but no joy.
tried with the cli, and instead of http://… I used file:///kvar/tmp/grafana-clock…
No joy - it doesn’t underatand the file: protocol.
I did - that’s where I got the idea of using a local url. Sorry, but it’s not especially clear (to me at least). I unzipped the file into the plugins directory and restarted Grafana-server each time - but no joy.
Cant find my grafana folder under /var/lib/. This being a office machine we installed it on a desktop for trial purpose, so does the default location of the plugin folder change?
and I am facing the same issue. Can you please elaborate on what do you mean by permissions issue?
I’m sorry, but I simply don’t remember. Assuming you’re running Linux, try
$ sudo find / -iname “grafana” -print
I suspect that I’d made the directory as root and not changed the ownership to the grafana user. Sorry, if by “desktop” you mean Windows, I can’t help.
So I am assuming ..../grafana/data/plugins/ is the plugin directory. So i unzipped the downloaded plugin zip here
But at the same time i also found that there is another folder where I can see all the installed default plugins and that is ..../grafana-5.4.3/public/app/plugins/datasource/ like in the below picture:
in the conf file it says that the plugin folder is:
cat /....../grafana/grafana/grafana-5.4.3/conf/defaults.ini | grep -i plugin
# Directory where grafana will automatically scan and look for plugins
plugins = data/plugins
# for new versions (grafana itself and plugins), check is used
# in some UI views to notify that grafana or plugin update exists
So the plugin has to be unzipped to this folder ..../data/plugins/ , so the next issue is this: