I use Grafana v9.3.2 on a Windows Server 2016.
I have a barchart but problems with the X-axis label:
time range 7 days:
time range 2 days:
I always want to show the date in format like:
independent from the choosen range.
I looked here in the forum but could not find any solution.
I found only that one can edit the general date format inside defaults.ini.
But this does not solve my problem.
So how please can I format the x-axis labes to my needs?
The word “solution” is only a terrible workaround which is only working in 5 % of the cases.
This program is so super complicated to use. The UI is so really badly done. It is extremely frustrating how much time I am loosing fiddling around in some settings in some config files.
The UI needs a totally new approach from the user’s point of view but not from the developer’s perspective who only uses the command line and never uses the Web UI.
Trying to do similar stuff… have a time series, shows values as bars.
Using the override-trick as shown here does not do any change to the timeformat on the x axis, sticks to default. Would like to have something like “DD HH:MM”, but whatever i choose, there is no difference.
The query to create the data:
ts as time,
price/1000*100 as “Preis in Cent”
FROM misc.aWATTar
WHERE ts >= $__unixEpochFrom() * 1000 AND ts <= $__unixEpochTo() * 1000