Hi Team,
Am using Grafana 9.4.2, where i have configured the Bar chart. On my X-Axis only the time time are display, I want the Date to be displayed in “DD-MM-YYYY”
I have tried like overrides and changing the format all the way, its not working out,
the below is my query,
sum by (projectName) (count_over_time({k8sCluster=“$cluster”, namespace=“$namespace”, app=“$workload”} | json | projectName != “” [$__interval]))
done all posible changes, but nothing workout,
Thanks in advance,
can you please show a table view of your data?
Hi Raymond,
I have resolved the issue, Thanks for your time
It would be nice to share your experience, so as it could be reused by community
plagiarized from @grant2 post here