How to download/install Pie chart panel for Dashboard in Grafana (My Grafana is not docker instance, It is installed as normal software)

How to download/install Pie chart panel for Dashboard in Grafana ?
Grafana in my system is not docker instance, It is installed as normal software.
Please help

Execute this command in line comander…

grafana-cli plugins install grafana-piechart-panel


In my case, instances cant reach out to the internet due to security so ‘grafana-cli plugins’ doesnt work. If it is the case with you, you can also download the source, unzip it and place it into the grafana_plugins dir and restart grafana, thats pretty much.

Where to execute this command?

From where can I download the source?


It is on the same page.

Alternative installation methods

Download latest zip

wget -nv -O /tmp/

The command is not working in cmd (command prompt line)


Just put the below in your browser, it will be downloaded

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Thank you so much :slight_smile: Now I am able to see the Pie Chart Plugin in my Grafana

In my Pie Chart it is not showing Time Range Option:

Because of that the Pie chart is not reflecting results based on selected Time Range in Dashboard, It is simply showing all the results which ever is stored in the data source till now.
Please help

Please help me on this issue @alexandrefrp and @ahmedfarhan
It would be great if you help