How to display following text and image

Hi the community,

I would like which plugin to use containing 3 labels and 1 duplicate image as long as there is data?

I put a photo below to show you what I want :

Thank you so much for your help.

Hi @johannbourbon
Welcome to the Grafana community forums.

Please notice this is the “Grafana plugin development” forum which is about developing plugins for Grafana, so your question might be better fit for the Dashboards forum Dashboards - Grafana Labs Community Forums

That being said, your question is not clear, it is missing context to understand what you want to do. Perhaps if you explain the problem you are trying to solve rather than asking how to implement the solution you think works. maybe someone can help you better here.

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do you have an svg of this image?


Hello academic,

I will move my topic to the Dashboard forum and I will detail my problem better.

Thank you for answering me

Hi Yosiasz,

It’s an SVG image, I’m going to close this topic, because it’s not in the forum.

Thank you for answering me

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i changed the category so you can continue here

so do you always have 3 different svgs or one svg dynamically updated with the number?

I have the image but I need to find a way to add a label to it which should be incremented automatically each time I change the recording line.

Thanks for your help

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using business text plugin

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Thank you very much Yosiasz for your help.
I’m looking into how this works, however, can you give me your full picture?
In any case, I can confirm that this plugin fully corresponds to what I want to do.
Thanks for everything

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its a teaser. it would defeat the purpose of you learning on your own instead of copy pasta

read the docu, try it out and post back if stuck

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I’ve made good progress and the objective is reaching its goal, I’m now stuck with displaying the image, maybe you have an idea?

This is stored on a Debian OS in a root folder named Grafana (it is an svg type image)

I’ll put the code I entered below so that it’s meaningful to you.

Thank you so much

Section : Content
Capture d’écran 2024-08-21 153232

Section CSS :

Result :

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Thank you very much for your help!

That’s very nice of you.

Now it works perfectly and the visual is great.

Thank you so much.

I’m going to have an almost similar question, but I’m going to post it in a new post, since this one is resolved

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