Hello all,
I want to compare the storage internal and external of each version. But I cant create the chart like image :
This is my query :
select buildid , SUM(size) as size , type, (array_agg(inserttime))[1] as time
from tbl_disk
group by buildid, type
order by buildid;
The data when I run query on console :
buildid | size | type | time
7e048c8b-9998-4222-8c83-ecea7ddf233b | 228215.439677622 | 1 | 2018-05-28 16:29:54.657+07
7e048c8b-9998-4222-8c83-ecea7ddf233b | 22688.4199380986 | 0 | 2018-05-28 16:31:42.218+07
(2 rows)
and chart after query :
How can I create the chart like image with Grafana , please tell me if you have any suggest.