Can Grafana make bar charts?
I’m new to Grafana, trying to decide between Grafana and Kibana. Grafana is so much more elegant that I am hoping it will satisfy my use cases. I have tried some examples, but I cannot get the bar chart case below to work.
Given a time series where each timestamped row has two additional values: a location identifier (chosen from a small set) and a count of the number of observations collected in the hour ending at the timestamp, I would like to plot a bar chart with the locations along the horizontal axis each with a bar for the total number of observations seen for the period chosen with the time picker.
I would prefer to use Elastic as my store.
There was a similar question recently, but it went unanswered.
Sample data:
2017-11-03T04:37 A 256
2017-11-03T06:48 B 158
2017-11-03T08:36 C 167
2017-11-03T10:06 A 237
2017-11-03T12:45 A 206
2017-11-03T14:04 C 121
2017-11-03T16:14 B 186
2017-11-03T18:03 B 138
2017-11-03T20:56 C 144
2017-11-03T22:22 A 184