How set local timezone for the dashboard

I’m encountering an issue in Grafana 11.2.0, where the Absolute time range picker in the dashboard displays the time in UTC, even though my entire setup in Grafana is configured to use local time.

  • Grafana Version: 11.2.0
  • Expected Behavior: The time picker should display the selected absolute time in the local timezone, consistent with the rest of the dashboard.
  • Actual Behavior: While all other components of Grafana respect the local timezone, the absolute time range picker always shows UTC.
  • Previous Version: I was using Grafana 9.5.21, and this issue wasn’t present.

Has anyone else faced this issue?

Is there a workaround to force the time picker to respect the local timezone? Any insights would be appreciated!

Set the dashboard time zone in the dashboard settings. Browser = dashboard will use your local dashboard timezone:

Hey thanks for the timely response. Yes, I already set my dashboard settings to browser. Still facing the issue. I added the default time zone in my garfana.ini script as well. Still the same