If I access these (the variable is named sensor) in my dashboard, I can get the keys easily:
SELECT last("battery_ok") FROM "autogen"."Acurite-Tower" WHERE ("id" =~ /^$sensor$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)
However, I cannot figure out how to access the value from them. I don’t know how to use the above variable definition and, say, give the graph a title for each value.
That doesn’t line up with my experience. The query I showed up there works just fine, because it’s referencing the IDs in that k/v variable. What I can’t do, for some reason, is reference the value of it.
(I actually don’t see anything in the MySQL doc about how to use key/value variables either)
In any case, this variable isn’t coming from influxDB, I’m defining it as a custom variable.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding something here, but the templating language seems to be provider-agnostic, so I don’t follow your reponse.