Hidden panel on Dashboard

Panel is hidden, when I inspect element it’s panel 3

Added " &viewPanel=3 " to the URL and loads up blank page with Variables and Time Filter above, and got this error with F12


getPanelOptionsWithDefaults.ts:97 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property ‘filter’ of undefined
at getPanelOptionsWithDefaults.ts:97
at Array.map ()
at s (getPanelOptionsWithDefaults.ts:96)
at getPanelOptionsWithDefaults.ts:76
at o (getPanelOptionsWithDefaults.ts:45)
at v.applyPluginOptionDefaults (PanelModel.ts:353)
at v.pluginLoaded (PanelModel.ts:375)
at actions.ts:139


Added edit panel and got these

getPanelOptionsWithDefaults.ts:97 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property ‘filter’ of undefined
at getPanelOptionsWithDefaults.ts:97
at Array.map ()
at s (getPanelOptionsWithDefaults.ts:96)
at getPanelOptionsWithDefaults.ts:76
at o (getPanelOptionsWithDefaults.ts:45)
at v.applyPluginOptionDefaults (PanelModel.ts:353)
at v.pluginLoaded (PanelModel.ts:375)
at actions.ts:139

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property ‘filter’ of undefined
at getPanelOptionsWithDefaults.ts:97
at Array.map ()
at s (getPanelOptionsWithDefaults.ts:96)
at getPanelOptionsWithDefaults.ts:76
at o (getPanelOptionsWithDefaults.ts:45)
at v.applyPluginOptionDefaults (PanelModel.ts:353)
at v.pluginLoaded (PanelModel.ts:375)
at actions.ts:139
at index.js:8
at Object.initDashboardPanel (redux.js:477)


Any help would be great,
Can delete the panel if needs just wondering if unreported bug,
Thanks :+1:

Hi @T_GrumpyEngineer :wave:

Are you saying that you’re editing the URL directly? Just want to make sure I’m understanding :blush:

Yes, When I open the Dashboard, there’s a blank space below, I found out it’s panel 3 and add that the the URL to load and i get into the blank panel same for edit

can you share your dashboard JSON?

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I’ve rebuilt the panel and it’s fine, sorry for not replying
Will send privately if you think it may help with bugfixes but apart from that it’s solved by redoing.

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