I’m using Docker filebeat to store direct to Docker Elasticsearch (not via logstash). It’s working and I can see data being received in Kibana.
I am in timezone UTC+09
When the elasticsearch index is created, it is in the format filebeat-YYY.MM.DD - but in UTC
When I attempt to add the data source in Grafana, it can’t find today’s index filebeat-2020.05.28 - because in UTC, the date is still 2020.05.27 - the index filebeat-2020.05.27 exists.
Index filebeat-2020.05.28 won’t get created till 9 hours later
I have tried adding the timezone to my Docker containers, date returns correctly…
docker exec filebeat date
Thu May 28 13:36:39 JST 2020
docker exec elk date
Thu May 28 13:36:39 JST 2020
But the issue persists, Elasticsearcn indexes are in UTC - Grafana looks up indexes by browser local time.