Grafana Rows to column using InfluxDB


I am using Garafana to display some Asset data from InfluxDB. The table in InfluxDB look like this (timestamp excluded):

| Device | Parameter | Value   |
| 1      | Name      | ABC     |
| 1      | Firmware  | 123     |
| 1      | Serial No | XYZ     |
| 1      | Type      | ABC12   |
| 2      | Name      | DEF     |
| 2      | Firmware  | 456     |
| 2      | Serial No | UVW     |
| 2      | Type      | DEF45   |

I want to show the Parameters as column name

| Device | Name   | Firmware  | Serial No  | Type  |
| 1      | ABC    | 123       | XYZ        | ABC12 |
| 2      | DEF    | 456       | UVW        | DEF45 |

How can I achieve this with the table widget in Grafana?

Thanks in advance.

Subhadeep Datta

pivot() function should help - documentation

Maybe something like this:
pivot(rowKey:["Device"], columnKey: ["Parameter"], valueColumn: "Value")