Grafana in High Availability Cluster

Hello! I am experimenting with setting up a High Availability Cluster with Grafana.

Currently, I have 2 nodes in 2 Availability Zones sharing a common NFS. Grafana’s data directory (where sqlite3 file stored) is mapped to the NFS so that it is accessible from any node.

My question: is it possible (or is it safe) if I have 2 Grafana instances simultaneously sharing the same data directory with grafana.db in it? Or do I actually need to switch to MySQL or Postgres?

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Hi, I am working on setting up the High Availability Cluster with Grafana. Could you please provide documentation if you have any.


I did it.
I set up 2 server for HA, I install MySQL.
You can’t use grafana.db to share.

First, you need to do is to setup MySQL or Postgres on another server and configure Grafana to use that database.

Follow: Set up Grafana for high availability | Grafana documentation

Thank you, this is useful to know, that just sharing grafana.db will not work.