Found error during creating alert rule "json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field of type string"

Hi All,

I am new with grafana, but already have an issue during creating the alert rule. According to the server log it mentioning

error=“json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field of type string”

Actually I only replicate the new alert rule (which having problem now) from existing alart rule that has been running with no issue. Please advise me how to solve this issue.

Thank you

Hi @subhan1,

Could you share more details about the alert rule that you are trying to create?
It looks like it’s a field-type issue based on the error message - the field needs to receive a string but is receiving a number.

Hi @edsoncelio ,
Thank you for acknowledge this topic. In general, i want to create maximum traffic alert of my router interface. Below the alert rule sample,

Thank you,