Alert rule return me no data but dashboard panel do


I’m using infinity to plot some JSON data from a URL.
When using the dashboard and a time serie panel, everything work fine.
But if I want to calibrate an alert (to receive a mail if a data reach a treshold), doing exactly the same parsing, no data is returned.

I got the following error and no datas returned : [sse.dataQueryError] failed to execute query [A]: error while parsing the query json. json: cannot unmarshal bool into Go struct field Query.range of type string

Because it work fine using dashboard panel, I don’t understand why the same process give me a different result.
Could you help me with that ?


Can you share some data (dummy with scheme if they are private)? It would be easier to reproduce and tweak around.

Make sure you are using backend parser to make the alerting and backend operations work.

read more about this limitations at Infinity data source plugin for Grafana | Grafana Plugins documentation