First help with Node Exporter, Prometheus and Grafana

Hi there,

iam very new about this topic for metrics …

We have a few Server and for thos w want to have an dashboard to have an overwiew for many information.

Now i have on every server installed node exporter. Then i have an dedicated Server for Prometheus and Grafana.

Everything should be configured as well, but for example i cant choose the datasourses dedicated in Grafana.

I cant choose Confluence or JIRA, but it is in Prometheus


the datasource selector is for prometheus servers you have configured in Grafana. Are you not seeing all prometheus instances you have added?

Hello @torkel ,

Yes you are correct. I configured the instances e.g. Confluence_LIVE with group “Atlassian”, in Prometheus it looks good. Now in Grafana i cant see this datasource only the Server " KeyCloak".

What iam doing wrong here?

Thank you

Hi usxliberty, did you get this working? I am very interested in the project