Error in plugin after upgrade grafana 9.4.2


  • Grafana version: 9.4.2
  • Data source type & version: influxQL
  • OS Grafana is installed on: 1.3.2023
  • User OS & Browser: Chrome Versión 110.0.5481.178 (Build oficial) (64 bits) & SO: Windows 11
  • Grafana plugins: Stat

after upgrading grafana_9.3.8 to grafana_9.4.1 I got the error below.


looks like after upgrade grafana can not find the variables.

When I enter manually the value works

I’m having issues in all dashboards with variables.

Any advice?

try to update influxDB, or downgrade

Ran into this today with my docker image. Looks like the database “name” is missing in the datasource settings. Grafana Web page/Settings/Data Sources/

Any of these resolutions worked for me:

  1. Stop/Start docker containers
  2. Manually enter the database name in Grafana Web page/Settings/Data Sources/
  3. Downgrade to 9.3.0