Encounter error when sending test alert to ms Teams Alert in grafana 9

Hi All,
I would like to check is there any configuration need to make in the grafana.ini file for alerting? I trying to send the notification to my ms teams webhook, but I encounter the error of missing reciever and missing group labels. not sure is there any configuration or firewall rules need to be created.The error message
1)level=error msg=“Missing receiver”
2)level=error msg=“Missing group labels”
FYI for few points

  1. i only have grafana OSS 9 in my computer hence no other alert manager willl be use.
  2. I have tested the webhook url using CURL and it is working fine
    3)I have network connection and my other monitoring tool is able to send the notification hence is not server confiuration(unless grafana need other configuration)
    Thank in advance.