Is it possible to edit a simple csv text file in a dashboard? The file is located on the grafana server.
So that I don’t always have to switch to the server to change settings.
I have a canvas dashboard on which I display numerous services with their key figures. There is now a csv file on the server in which I can make settings that allow me to set the service tiles to a maintenace mode. The tile is then covered with a colour that symbolises this mode.
Now it would be great to be able to do this step within Grafana. And not have to switch to the file level.
Here is an example.
Service 1 is fine. service 2 has a problem. Service 3 and 4 are in manitenance mode…
As for writing to file, it probably could be done by creating custom backend plugin, but I believe that would be an overcomplicated way for task that you are trying to solve:
Yes, I think I’m making things too complicated.
I need the config file outside of Grafana so that the values can be changed by script or manually.
I could of course create an internal variable for each service which could be used to set it to maintenance mode within the dashboard.
And no, it doesn’t have to be a csv file. But it must contain two values and of course the CI to map the values to those from the database. In which the currently measured values are available.