hello @all
i have a meassurement on influxDB which looks like this:
name: device_uplink
time application dev_eui device dr f_cnt frequency rssi snr value
---- ---------------- ------- ----------- -- ----- --------- ---- --- -----
2019-08-20T06:02:56Z Tempratur 233127000001030b 133345 5 12029 868100000 -100 8.5 1
2019-08-20T06:03:00Z Tempratur 23312700000103c3 133363 3 12539 868500000 -105 5.8 1
2019-08-20T06:03:00Z Tempratur 233127000001031f 124295 2 6732 868300000 -67 9.8 1
2019-08-20T06:03:04Z Tempratur 233127000001030b 133345 5 12029 868300000 -101 9 1
i want to display the value of dr in a grafana graph. this should in this case be a line which goes from 5 to 3, then to 2 and again to 5. DR is a tag in influxdb. how can i create this graph?
any help is welcome, thanks a lot