I have the following set up:
A spring boot application that is instrumented with open-telemetry jar and sends metrics/traces/logs to otel-collector container.
Otel-collector sends the logs to loki,traces to tempo and metrics to prometheus which can then be accessed,queried and visualized in grafana frontend.
My application uses mysql as the database.I want to create a dashboard where i can see the queries being fired and their perfomance metrics such as time taken,slowest db calls etc.
Is this possible to configure in a dashboard in grafana and if so how do i do it?
Shouldn’t traces and metrics from traces contain such information? You should be able to get the traces with traceQL (long time no use though) and the metrics with either tempo metrics generator, either directly from metrics reported by your application (it’s spring, so I guess one annotation will do the trick )
When you have the data, you can create the dashboard.