Data points outside time range on graph, but there is on table

Hi from Russia. Sorry my english.
Im new home user of influxdb and grafana.
1 week worked good. But after this weekends there is error.
Data come in 1 point (10-90 parameters per sec) per 1 second.
ESP8266 → influxdb.

ERROR or BUG: data there is in table on dashboard grafana. But not visible or NO in graph.
esp8266: SELECT “value” FROM “bv” WHERE (“param” = ‘bvtek’) AND $timeFilter
telegraf: SELECT “usage_system” FROM “cpu” WHERE (“cpu” = ‘cpu-total’) AND $timeFilter

tail log:
Apr 1 09:49:41 glazov-SAISHIAT2 influxd[1029]: [httpd] - - [01/Apr/2019:09:49:41 +0400] “POST /write?u=&p=&db=glazov1 HTTP/1.1” 204 0 “-” “ESP8266HTTPClient” f1877ff0-5441-11e9-8ec3-7c0507a4c840 34183
Apr 1 09:49:42 glazov-SAISHIAT2 influxd[1029]: [httpd] - - [01/Apr/2019:09:49:42 +0400] “POST /write?u=&p=&db=glazov1 HTTP/1.1” 204 0 “-” “ESP8266HTTPClient” f22918cb-5441-11e9-8ec6-7c0507a4c840 21228
Apr 1 09:49:43 glazov-SAISHIAT2 influxd[1029]: [httpd] - - [01/Apr/2019:09:49:43 +0400] “POST /write?u=&p=&db=glazov1 HTTP/1.1” 204 0 “-” “ESP8266HTTPClient” f2c9d655-5441-11e9-8ec7-7c0507a4c840 18763

Grafana on graph OK. I think there is some problem with time zone on my notebook or grafana server.