Data point missing on Time Series graph

Hi all,

I am using a time series graph to plot a few points that I have coming from Elasticsearch. This is how the data looks in the table view:

You can see in the image that there are 4 points being populated. But when I switch to the graph view, this is what I see:

I see only 3 datapoints in the graph whereas I have 4 datapoints in the data being passed. I would really appreciate some insight into why this is happening, and what I can do to fix it. Thanks in advance!

Grafana version: Grafana v10.4.1
Datasource: Elasticsearch

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Hi, if you take a bit more of the time range does this problem still occur? I’m not sure / not an expert but I think that the point might not be drawn because it would be at the end of the range.

Hi @dawiddebowski, thanks for getting back to me.

This is what happens when I include 1 additional date:

This is the graph view:

It does include 1 additional datapoint on the graph that was missing in the previous instance, but it still does not include the point for the 05/09 date.

The issue still persists, and I’m not sure where I am going wrong?

Sorry for the confusion but what I meant was the Grafana time range. Can you increase it to draw (in the case with six datapoints) up to 2023-05-08 12:00:00 (without adding more data)? What I think is happening is Grafana does draw the point (the graph is heading towards the value) but the point is not drawn because there’s not enough space for it in the plot.

Can you also share the settings of the plot as in the screen?

Hi @dawiddebowski,

I’ve figured out the root cause of the issue. My datasource was set to the browser’s local time, while the actual data was in UTC. Once I adjusted the Grafana timestamp filter to match the UTC format, the datapoints began populating correctly as expected.

Thank you so much for your valuable insights!

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