Dashboard link dropdown list not working / empty

Hi all,

my first question so please excuse me if I’m missing the obvious.

I’m using Grafana 10.0.3 on linux, viewing the dashboards on Edge on windows 11.

I’m trying to create dashboard links between dashboards using the dropdown list style. The dropdown list is showing on the dashboards, but is empty or not working, i.e. I can’t see the links to the dashboards.

If I untick the “show as dropdown” option, the dashboard links do appear, but as buttons.

I didn’t see any browser errors.

Refer to the screenshot:

  • Both dashboards have the same tag - dropdown
  • One has “show as dropdown” unticked - the links appear as buttons
  • The other is unticked - the dropdown appears but is empty
  • Both dashboards are in the packet sent to the browser.

Has anyone seen this before, or can spot my error?

Many thanks.

I believe this is similar to GitHub #12315:

Thank you @jwilliams6 but I’m not sure that it is the same issue.

I’ve looked again and I can see the option element on the DOM, but it is invisible. If I execute $(“#dropdown-list”).show() in the console, the option becomes visible.

Thank you. This no longer an issue for me - I’m not using the dashboard links anymore - so I’d be interested if there is a solution, but it’s not critical.