What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
Grafana version: 9.4.7, Debian -
What are you trying to achieve?
We are looking to create dashboards with tiles. Each of these tiles would display the name of the object and possibly a number (number of wifi terminals, servers…) It would be either green or red. Green to say ok, red to mean a problem. In case of problem, we could click on the tile which would take us to a second dashboard. This would show the details of the object (CPU, memory and storage of the server and the problem concerned for example)
Here is a dashboard that could look like what we would like: Dashboard CFTV | Grafana Labs
We’ve started to go through the documentation, but for now it’s hard to get an idea of how to create these tiles. -
How are you trying to achieve it?
Start by creating all second and detailed dashboard -
What happened?
What did you expect to happen?
Can you copy/paste the configuration(s) that you are having problems with?
Did you receive any errors in the Grafana UI or in related logs? If so, please tell us exactly what they were.
Did you follow any online instructions? If so, what is the URL?
Thanking you,