i would like to access my Grafana Account from another PC in my home network. The reason is the following. I want to set up a server via a Raspberry PI with Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana.
To view and edit my dasboards I would like to use another PC in my network.
So how can I access the Grafana account from other PCs?
Your raspberry PI should get an IP address and you can use that to connect to it from other computers. The url will be http://<IPADDRESS>:3000
where IPADDRESS is the address your PI is assigned.
I googled a bit and there are loads of guides for setting up Grafana on a Raspberry PI. This one has a section on networking:
Hello, daniellee,
thanks for your help. I googled again, and it’s actually really easy. I just need to dial the IP address and enter port 3000. The problem was that I tried VirtalBox first. But this VM assigns a completely different IP address and therefore no connection to the host PC was possible.
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