How to connect to grafana server?


I have Grafana running on a remote Raspberry Pi.
I was able to locally connect to the server at

Now I’m trying to access it remotely isn’t possible.
I think grafana is running on the remote RPi as I can access the login page at : http://remoteIP:3000 (seems the port forwarding is ok too)
The problem is I’m not sure about my login and password.

I can connect to : with my usual login/password.

I don’t remember/don’t think I’ve use different login/password to connect to my server.
When I ask for renewing password, I don’t get any link by mail, despite it confirms an email was sent !.

I’ve been setting up Grafana, InfluxDB and telegrah these last days and get confused about all what I’ve done so far with all the different login/password.

I can’t access the login page at http://remoteID:3000.
What should I do to make it correct?

Thanks in advance