Config from Query - Multiple Thresholds

Hello there, I am using Grafana 9.0.2 and trying to set up a Bar Gauge panel with Thresholds configured from query.

I managed to configure a single threshold as this article
and this [panel] (Grafana) suggest.

this is the configuration I am using:
and it works fine, except for:

  1. Cannot set colors as I was used to do with static thresholds:

  2. Cannot set multiple thresholds as I was used to do with static thresholds.

For instance there is no way (as far as I looked for) to invert red and green in this one:

Or to set a different color for values from 60% to 80%. I tried to use Threshold2 but it does not actually exist.

No error were received in any way.

Is there any way to obtain this result with config from query?

if so, there is an example of it? (no examples for this in

Thanks in advance,


Dynamic Thresholds using variables in Grafana
I am using Grafana Dashboard to display some of my Treemap panels where I needed Dynamic Threshold using variable.
Inside variable here I am using query to get low and high thresholds value and those values I need to use in my Treemap panels.
But i didn’t find any way to do this. I tried config-from-query-results transformations but here also two mains issues:

  1. I can not set coloring here as i was use to do with static threshold.
  2. I can not set multiple thresholds.

Second way I tried to use value mapping but here also I was stuck as only fixed value I can use but I can not use variable here.
Please help ??