Hi all -
I’m trying to achieve the following:
I have time series data stored in an InfluxDB and configuration data (Indexed JSON objects) on Redis. The Redis config holds thresholds (and some more configuration) and the InfluxDB actual sensor data. Both data sources share a common uuid (called node_id in my case).
I now want to query data from InfluxDB and compare it to the Redis configuration in a Alert Rule.
I tried to set up the two queries but ended up in not getting Redis working. Error message is
failed to execute conditions: input data must be a wide series but got type not
where I’m expecting it has to do with the format Redis returns the data.
My question now: Is this just tuning the Redis query or is my idea in general not to be realized via Grafana Alerts?
Alternatively I could insert my meta data into InfluxDB, what would mean lots of overhead IMHO. So comparing against config data should be a general use-case for alerting, not?
Thanks and regards,