I am using Grafana 11.1.0 so I want to do code changes in Grafana repository I will be having access to do it as per my requirement I want to change code
No, you can create merge request and that may be merged or rejected. I guess requests which are not aligned with current Grafana concept (e. g. “inline title”) will be rejected. Of course nobody (maybe license can be limitation in some cases) is stopping you to fork Grafana and use/mantain that own fork.
So basically In below image
I am using stat plugin and my grafana version is 11.1.0 ,
I want panel and value coming inside panel in left alignment like is addressed in above image
There are only two option available for stat plugin auto and center
Can you please give me solution
And solution is not possible Then can i modify code in grafana I will able to acccess files
can you give me answer for this
already asked