Can't update Flowcharting plugin, because is a "core plugin"


Grafana version: Grafana v9.4.3 in Ubuntu Server 22.04.2 LTS
Flowcharting plugin: 0.5.0

I have this installation. I need to update the Flowcharting plugin because this version is older, but when I try to update from the plugin’s panel, I receive this error:

If I check the list-versions in the server, then detects new versions:

I download a newest version, and I install correctly, as you can see:


But when I restart Grafana, i can’t see changes. In the plugin’s panel I see the same old version:

¿How I can uninstall a “core plugin”? ¿Is normal that the flowcharting plugin are a “core plugin”?


Hi @cmartin5

Flowcharting plugin is a community based plugin as descirbe on the plugin page.

I am not sure why the error message say that its a core plugin (probably need to open a GitHub issue) as it should not be.

Try to logout and re-login as an admin user and see if it then shows you the new updated version?


Excuse me for not replying soon, I’ve been out of work.

I use an “admin” user to access to Grafana, at the moment, he is the only user we have.
