Can't run app plugin created by guide: app provision error

I’m new in Grafana, so started learning from documentation. I made all by instruction, from development environment setup to create plugins. But, I can’t run my newly created App plugin.


  1. Run npx @grafana/create-plugin@latest
  2. Select app, answer yes on “add backend?” question
  3. cd test-org-app && npm install
  4. npm run dev, in another terminal tab docker compose up
  5. Error error: ✗ app provisioning error: plugin not installed: "test-org-app"

I also read provision plugin documentation. I see that “The plugins must already be installed on the Grafana instance”, but how I can add that for dockerized Grafana if docker container fails?..

I also tried to select “Panel” plugin, and that version works fine. No provisioning errors, as expected.

Grafana dependency: >=10.4.0
Node: 22 LTS
OS: Linux Mint

Please help! What I should do to run app locally? Many thanks to any suggestion

Since you selected your app have a backend you need to also build the backend part. npm run dev will only build the frontend assets.

to build the backend part of your plugin you need to install mage in your system and run mage build:backend, then you can start grafana with docker compose up

If you don’t need a backend component for your app, don’t select “yes” when create plugin asks about it.