Can't find timefilter in new query builder

Since updating my Grafana version from 9.1 to 9.2 I’m having some struggles with the new query builder. In short my question is: is it possible to apply the timefilter macro using the new querybuilder without switching to the “code” menu?

In the old query builder the option was there by default and could always be added via the ‘where’ clause.

In the new query builder I am unable to find the timefilter. The screenshot below is whereabouts I would expect it.

In exchange for the timefilter, the new query builder has a hidden limit of 50 rows as the default filter. I really don’t understand this choice, but that is a different discussion.

I understand that I am able to switch to “code”, add the timefilter myself and circumvent the whole querybuilder. However, in my experience the querybuilder was a great feature and I would like to continue making use of it.

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You may want to follow SQL Query editor improvements · Issue #53053 · grafana/grafana · GitHub

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