I have created a dashboard with a dropdown variable that lists my server names. For example, these servers belong to individual IT persons. I want to give access to users based on the server name (list). For instance, if I am the owner of Server A, I need to assign access to a specific variable value A so that the respective IT personnel can view only the dashboard for Server A.
Note: Based on the variable, this dashboard fetches node metrics from the respective servers.
Nowhere as of now, but I am planning to use variable values so that if a variable value matches a specific user, I need to give access to a specific panel
For example, if the variable name “serviceName” has values A, B, C, and D, I need to assign user A to the variable name value A.
so that when A users login to grafana it A value will be selected in variable and give A value specific pannel
Use Grafana SAML SSO against Azure AD with team sync - users will have assigned Grafana teams based on user groups in AD. Each team will have own RBAC custom role with query permissions for LBAC based datasources.
I am talking about associating servers with users.
Ex: I am the owner of server A., I will log in to Grafana using Azure Ad, I should able to access only A value in the variable so I will get access to A value specific pannel
create and populate tables servers(server_id, server_name) and a bridge table called user_servers(server_id, mail varchar(150))
Then a query of the tables
select s.server_name as dropdown
from servers s
join user_servers us on s.server_id = us.server_id
where us.mail = ${__user.email} -- < currently logged in user
Sorry, this is not a private support, but public community forum.
If you need a private support session, then I recommend to pay for a Grafana support. Actually, you can connect to your AWS support, because they support your instance.