Alternative to Prometheus

Can I use another tool instead of Prometheus in Grafana?

Thank you.


TL;DR - yes.

There are multiple datasources supported. Prometheus-compatible (that I know of) are Grafana Mimir and VictoriaMetrics (although I think both are added as Prometheus.

Aside from those, you have options for multiple tools, you can view them by going into Connections → Data sources → Add datasource (there’s a list, sample of in screen below):

there’re also multiple plugins you can install for your instance (some of them in Enterprise / Cloud version only). There are datasources that fetch data from Rest API (e.g. Infinity Plugin), that connect to databases (Postgres, Mongo) or for logs (Elasticsearch / Loki).

This really depends on what you want.

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Thank you so much.
Is there an alternative to Windows exporter?

I think you mixed the responsibilities of those two - prometheus is mainly a software to store the metrics data (and it also scrapes the data). Windows Exporter’s main responsibility is to export the data to something.
There are probably many tools but you have to research them, ask ChatGPT to search the network, if you don’t want to do this yourself. I know of Telegraf but I’m not sure if that’s 1:1 with Windows Exporter (probably not).

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Thank you so much.