What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
using grafana enterprise (free) v8.4.5 -
What are you trying to achieve?
we want to show the time series data when we select for last 7days, we want to display data for last 7 days along with next 1 hour forecast data
- How are you trying to achieve it?
tried with modifying the query which we are using to fetch data ,but could able to do it.
query used → SELECT
creTimestamp AS “time”,
$metric AS “predicted_$metric”
FROM 5gCoreTensorFlowPredictedNFLoad
AND instanceId = ‘$instanceId’
ORDER BY creTimestamp
we are able to get the required time stamp when we change it in the absolute time range like in the screenshot below
so we want to add one option in the absolute time range option , so that we can select and show the required time frame and name option properly
Saiteja Nannapaneni