95th percentile straight line graph


I have my network devices metrics are stored in influxdb. Even I don’t have any issues in finding the 95th percentile value using percentile function.

How can I show the 95th percentile value as a straight line on top of time-series data? now the value appears as a point.

I have seen someone did for Prometheus data source, is there any who did for influxdb?

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Found the solution

Look for “Series overrides” → choose the field name → Transform:constant


Hello. did you able to tackle this issue? i was trying to create 95th percentile graphs in Grafana. Any advise on how to create it?

I managed to create the 95th percentile value as a straight line on top of time-series data using Transform:constant. However, I cannot display the 95th percentile value on top of the straight line. It appears in the legend with max and current value for the 95th percentile value. Rightfully, 95th percentile value should consists of only 1 value for the in and out traffic. I don’t understand why are there 2 values, 1 max and 1 current. I use the max value as the 95th percentile reference. Any advice to display the max value on top of the constant line.
Thank you.

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