We’ve noticed we’re seeing a 15 minute delay in the appearance of metrics into our charts.
The data isn’t missing, but as an example, if it’s 3pm, we only see data up until 2.45pm and then it’s a blank. That data will then start to appear as time advances.
Is this a deliberate delay with Hosted Metrics/Grafana?
I may also set up a local Grafana VM just my own sanity, but it would be good to hear if anyone else sees this, and if so, if they are aware of why.
Assuming you are displaying “Last x minutes…or hours” …?
There is a setting in dashboard that I think is causing your delay:
Settings → General → Time Options: Now delay now-
Please, click to the time range again on the right up corner after you added a delay time in the settings. The “now delay” parameter will work if you set a new time range. Not to user friendly but working.
Nope, fraid not… but then based on the fact we’ve other issues with our hosted Grafana/Metrics environment, this 15 min delay is possibly just one of the results of the underlying issue.