Windows 2016 nssm service Status is Paused - Help

I have followed the directions located on

On the Windows 2016 Server - performed steps below:

  1. Copied the bits to C:\Grafana

  2. I installed MySQL 5.7 and used the root password below in the custom.ini

  3. Created/updated c:\Grafana\conf\custom.ini sections below:

  • (Note: IIS is not installed)
    http_port = 80

    domain = myservername

    type = mysql
    host =
    name = grafana
    user = root
  • Note: same password used in MySQL install
    password = mysqlrootpassword

    enabled = true
    config_file = C:\Grafana\conf\ldap.toml
    allow_sign_up = true
  1. Configured C:\Grafana\conf\ldap.toml
  2. Downloaded nssm prelease build 2.2.4-101 build for Windows 10
    I then copied the 64-bit version of nssm.exe to C:\Windows\

  3. Ran command below to install the Grafana-NSSM service
    c:\windows\nssm.exe install Grafana-NSSM
    Note: I use the GUI install so I can add Description notes and browsed to c:\Grafana\bin\grafana-server.exe

Service Status Issue – it is paused
C:\Windows>nssm status Grafana-NSSM

What am I missing??

I’ve also tried using both the 2.24 and pre-release 64-bit versions of nssm.exe in C:\windows and the appnoconsole registry option (which I’ve found as a suggestion for Windows 10 services built via nssm).

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Grafana-NSSM\Parameters

Same Issue.
C:\Windows>nssm start Grafana-NSSM
Grafana-NSSM: Unexpected status SERVICE_PAUSED in response to START control.

Here are the App Event Log events.
The six events happen three times when trying to start the service.

Log Name: Application
Source: nssm
Date: 5/18/2018 9:42:34 AM
Event ID: 1008
Task Category: None
Level: Information
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: grafanaservername.domain.local
Started C:\Grafana\bin\grafana-server.exe for service Grafana-NSSM in C:\Grafana\bin.

Log Name: Application
Source: nssm
Date: 5/18/2018 9:42:34 AM
Event ID: 1013
Task Category: None
Level: Information
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: grafanaservername.domain.local
Program C:\Grafana\bin\grafana-server.exe for service Grafana-NSSM exited with return code 1.

Log Name: Application
Source: nssm
Date: 5/18/2018 9:42:34 AM
Event ID: 1023
Task Category: None
Level: Information
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: grafanaservername.domain.local
Killing process tree of process 3092 for service Grafana-NSSM with exit code 1

Log Name: Application
Source: nssm
Date: 5/18/2018 9:42:34 AM
Event ID: 1027
Task Category: None
Level: Information
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: grafanaservername.domain.local
Killing PID 3092 in process tree of PID 3092 because service Grafana-NSSM is stopping.

Log Name: Application
Source: nssm
Date: 5/18/2018 9:42:34 AM
Event ID: 1014
Task Category: None
Level: Information
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: grafanaservername.domain.local
Service Grafana-NSSM action for exit code 1 is Restart. Attempting to restart C:\Grafana\bin\grafana-server.exe.

Log Name: Application
Source: nssm
Date: 5/18/2018 9:42:34 AM
Event ID: 1034
Task Category: None
Level: Warning
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: grafanaservername.domain.local
Service Grafana-NSSM ran for less than 1500 milliseconds. Restart will be delayed by 8000 milliseconds.

I did overlook mentioning that I have tried to launch the app from \bin.
It appears to work, but nothing happens or runs as a process.


C:\Grafana\bin>tasklist /SVC

Image Name PID Services
========================= ======== ============================================
System Idle Process 0 N/A
System 4 N/A
smss.exe 316 N/A
csrss.exe 396 N/A
wininit.exe 468 N/A
services.exe 616 N/A
lsass.exe 624 KeyIso, Netlogon, SamSs, VaultSvc
svchost.exe 728 BrokerInfrastructure, DcomLaunch, LSM,
PlugPlay, Power, SystemEventsBroker
svchost.exe 792 RpcEptMapper, RpcSs
svchost.exe 916 TermService
svchost.exe 964 NcbService, PcaSvc, ScDeviceEnum, TrkWks,
UALSVC, UmRdpService, wudfsvc
svchost.exe 352 Dhcp, EventLog, lmhosts, TimeBrokerSvc
svchost.exe 360 CDPSvc, EventSystem, FontCache, netprofm,
nsi, W32Time, WinHttpAutoProxySvc
svchost.exe 1064 CryptSvc, Dnscache, LanmanWorkstation,
NlaSvc, WinRM
vmacthlp.exe 1072 VMware Physical Disk Helper Service
svchost.exe 1180 BFE, CoreMessagingRegistrar, DPS, MpsSvc
svchost.exe 1268 CertPropSvc, gpsvc, IKEEXT, iphlpsvc,
lfsvc, ProfSvc, Schedule, SENS, SessionEnv,
ShellHWDetection, Themes, UserManager,
Winmgmt, WpnService
svchost.exe 1460 Wcmsvc
svchost.exe 1584 PolicyAgent
spoolsv.exe 1840 Spooler
VGAuthService.exe 1976 VGAuthService
snmp.exe 1984 SNMP
svchost.exe 1992 StateRepository, tiledatamodelsvc
vmtoolsd.exe 2000 VMTools
svchost.exe 2016 DiagTrack
svchost.exe 1204 LanmanServer
MsMpEng.exe 1200 WinDefend
dllhost.exe 2612 COMSysApp
WmiPrvSE.exe 2752 N/A
msdtc.exe 2808 MSDTC
NisSrv.exe 3112 WdNisSvc
csrss.exe 2060 N/A
winlogon.exe 5032 N/A
LogonUI.exe 4820 N/A
dwm.exe 3768 N/A
csrss.exe 2028 N/A
winlogon.exe 932 N/A
dwm.exe 4460 N/A
rdpclip.exe 1248 N/A
sihost.exe 580 N/A
svchost.exe 608 CDPUserSvc_c0ac7, OneSyncSvc_c0ac7
taskhostw.exe 476 N/A
explorer.exe 4872 N/A
RuntimeBroker.exe 3564 N/A
ServerManager.exe 632 N/A
ShellExperienceHost.exe 1304 N/A
SearchUI.exe 2388 N/A
vmtoolsd.exe 5704 N/A
ApplicationFrameHost.exe 5856 N/A
svchost.exe 4672 SSDPSRV
mysqld.exe 5916 MySQL57
cmd.exe 5480 N/A
conhost.exe 4328 N/A
mmc.exe 3504 N/A
regedit.exe 5864 N/A
mmc.exe 20688 N/A
notepad.exe 6820 N/A
Taskmgr.exe 11800 N/A
tasklist.exe 17496 N/A

If I try to launch from somewhere else it fails.
Grafana-server Init Failed: Could not find config defaults, make sure homepath command line parameter is set or working directory is homepath

OK, I believe I have resolved my issue and that is after taking a week and a half vacation and coming back to this mess.

Basically, I had to install MySQL and restore the .sql backup file from the original server.

No where in the Install Instructions does it talk about MySQL which was my issue.

I see there is a link for Sqlite3 and TDM-GCC, but that made no sense to me.

Basic steps were

On old server backup MySQL grafana DB.
mysqldump -u root -p > c:\admin\grafana\grafana_backup.yyymmmdd.hhmm.sql
Enter password: ******************

On new server
Get MySQL installed (in my case v5.7 to match the old server version)

Login to MySQL
C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin>mysql -u root -p
Enter password: ******************

mysql> drop database grafana;
Query OK, 30 rows affected (1.38 sec)

create database grafana;

show databases;
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| grafana |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
| sys |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Exit MySQL


C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin>mysql -u root -p --one-database grafana <c:\admin\grafana\grafana_backup.yymmdd.hhmm.sql
Enter password: ******************

Restart Grafana service