Which data sources is the best?

Hi there,
I import 20k rows every hour in DB. Then I show graph in Grafana (one column is varchar and there is a key name is nodename). But it is very slow. At this moment I use MySQL.

Which type od datasources would be the besst (the fastest)?

I import data from PHP and show it in graphana…

Thank you for your advice.


It depends on your data structure/queries/requirements/budget/… Make a POC and stress test for your case and you will see. My general recommendation: InfluxDB.

Agree. any no-sql tsdb will be a good fit for this kind of volume… another option might be elasticsearch

Thx guys! I have no experience with no-SQL Time series db. (but I will chage it :slight_smile: )

my db looks like this:

nodename datetime par1 par2 par3 par4
etc1 1.2.2019 10:00 0 0.4 0.5 0.6
etc2 1.2.2019 10:00 0 1 0.3 0.6
etc1 1.2.2019 10:30 1 0.6 0.5 0.4
etc2 1.2.2019 10:30 0 2 1 0.6

and query:
select par1 from table where nodename=‘etc2’ and datetime>1.2.2019

Make sure your query uses the from-time and to-time variables to minimize the rows returned to the dashboard.